That's my daughter being stepped on.{hahaha}
This year at Star Wars weekend is going to be Ray Park,who played Darth Maul.My son's favorite.He will be doing pictures and autographs.We are going to have him sign our book.Also Daniel Logan who played Boba Fett in Episode 2.Again we will get him to sign the book and pictures.That is the actors that will be there on Saturday when we are there.Can't wait.
Training well off.I just didn't do it.I worked today and didn't feel up to it. put me down for 0 today.
B- nothing I wasn't feeling well at all.Had cup of hot tea.
D- home made pizza,tea,serving of banana pudding.
lots of h2o.
Thanks to everyone we will have fun.I just haven't been out with this set of In laws.It will be interesting.
Train hard,have fun,stay injury free!!!
C-ya 08-09!!!!
Runner's World Kick in the Butt:
Forget about the big picture every now and then.Put away your training manual and your race calendar.Quit over thinking it.Run for today.
Sounds like it's going to be fun.
I've read horror stories about getting those autographs and the fastpassess. Good luck. I think we will pass on the autographs and waiting in the lines for the merchandise. My son really want to do the Jedi training. Been talking about it since he was 4. Hopefully they will pick him this time. May the ears be with you. :)
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