This is what my Hunny wants for Father's Day!!!!!
Thanks everyone,I just don't have it in me lately.Maybe I am afraid that I am going to hurt myself again?We were able to walk around the block.Our block is a half mile.
B:homemade oatmeal with golden raisins and honey,hot tea.
L:Smoothie protein,banana,peanut butter,ice,fat free milk,extra chocolate
Today I am going to finish up working in my rose garden and put out some of my Disney yard characters.I am ordering the bird bath to go in the center of it.{Of course it Mickey}
I will post pictures when I am able to load from my camera.The program just won't work.Grrr...
I have to do some continuing education for what I do for work.I have a class set up for next month for four nights I will have to go to school.I was also looking into maybe trying a different department.My floor has become slow since most of the snow birds have gone home for the summer.
Training nothing yet.I did not go to the gym yesterday.
Train hard,Have fun,stay injury free!!!!
Runner's World Kick In The Butt:
"There are as many reasons for running as there are days in a year,years in a life.But I run because I am an animal and a artist and a ,too,are you.Find your own play,your own self renewing compulsion,and you will become the person you are meant to be "
Dr. George Sheehan,writter and philospher
Is that moving or what ??
Oh yes I haven't done a thing in nearly a week and I have lost a half pound.A half pound !!!!!
Crazy I say........:)
Well done on the half mile and the weight loss :-)
I am always paranoid that I'm going to tweak my ankles again :-/ but fingers crossed not too bad at the moment.
If you are using a pc, download picasa from google to sort out your pictures - it's free and great :-D
Well done on the half mile :)
Thats a rather large bottle of coke. If you come by a rather large lump of money be sure to give me a shout :)
If I came by an large amount that size I would share with everyone!!!
I forgot about that program.Thanks joggerblogger. I have that in the other computer that is down. :)
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