Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Unbirthday to All

Good day!
I have a house full of teen boys. FJ and his friends.they brought an x box over. What a best game system. I like to play video games.I was up with them playing.they thought that was cool.

We haven't done this in a while. Good behavior reeps good rewards.next weekend is the girls! Oh the drama!

I had a walking group last night. It was cool. Not a one of them could keep up with me! Now they all want to train. That's funny.FJ shown them his medal and told them about all the training they remember since he could hang out cause of that.

Yesterday points 30. Day before 27. I peek at the scale this morning,happy with what I saw! I was goign to wait till Friday but I just had to peek. I will post the results on Friday!

I am up to 39 and change for miles. I will get the total and post it on the boards. There was no gym yesterday due to holiday. I have to go today.
I saw on the forums that there is a section for a Team Voice song, I was thinking of form Hercules go the distance. Check it out. I will go over and list it.
I want to give Deb a shout out she did 3 miles running with out stopping. No walking breaks. I am so proud of you !!! Keep Moving Forward!!!

Oh yes before I go, E and I both made a decision last night that we both will do the Goofy in 2010.

Team Voice,Many Goals,One Voice!


Craig Wheeler said...

Hi Rae,

If you look at the first post on the blog, that is almost exactly to the letter what we sent as an e-mail to co-workers, family, and friends. If you would like to donate, send me an e-mail at craig@runningtodisney.com.


DebWDW said...

Rae -- The Mouse Station episode I mentioned on my blog about the Space Mtn empty seat is #123. If you subscribe to the Mouse Station combined feed in iTunes, you will be able to select that specific episode.

DebWDW said...

Thanks for the shout out! Maybe we need a "Milestones" section in the Team Voice forums, so we all get shout outs!

Craig Wheeler said...

Correction on my e-mail address. I am having trouble with the forwarding for runningtodisney.com e-mail addresses. You can send e-mail to cwheeler5@gmail.com
