Yesterday was a pretty good day.Other than having to go food shopping.I hate dealing with the general public.Here they are so rude. We were not hurrying,since the store was packed. Everyone else was rushing around and grabbing whatever.Not looking at what they were selecting for choices. And the rather extreme pooh size were out. I was watching a couple of them since they were not rushing and just seeing what they were choosing. So as we were all in one row kinda looking at the same thing.I looked at E and said this product has hidden ingredients,and MSG,and this will cause high blood pressure and stuff like that, They were listening. They were listening so well that they put that crap back and chose the better product. After that I noticed that it caused them to look at the ingredients. The power of suggestion. :)
After we got home we did something different than we normally do. We prepped all the meals. We separated everything, and if we had planned to marrinate it we did it. And weighed the serving out,so it will make tracking the points much easier.
Now Team Voice news. First I have to say this .....
Someone has been on the forums over at AATM and posted and commented with x rated pictures this morning. In No Way is This related to Team Voice. That is not our views,or thoughts. Someone is trying to bring down our family fun forums and Team Voice.
This is a rough draft of the Logo.It is photo shop being cleaned up .
Meal points yesterday was 26.
No training yesterday I has a house full of teenage girls and they were not going to sweat. I will sweat today.
MGreene, E said All I have to do is shave off a half hour and I will meet your one time you listed. Then E asked me how bad do I want it??? That made me think.I will try real hard. I like a good challenge. :)
Good for you on the meal planning, it sounds like a great idea.
I have noticed in the past some person or group has posted garbage like that in many of the forums. It has been quite awhile though.
Bryan and Jonathan address those right away when they notice them. Send them an e-mail if it's still there.
Keep up the good work. I am certain you can meet mgreene's challenge.
You may have only changed one or two of their meals, but at least you made a small difference that day. Kudos!
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