Sunday, July 1, 2007

First Of The Month.

Happy July 1st!!!Today is my daughter's 13th birthday.We had a sleep over and now the masses are thinning out.We stayed up til 2am and played DDR.That is Dance Dance Revolution.It's not as hard as it looks.The kids were impressed that we would even want to play.I grew up playing video games,and we play once in a while.

The last couple of days have been though.Work has been hard lately and I get home and just pass out and I sleep til morning.That's why I haven't blogged.

I hope everyone is doing good and I will read everyone's blogs later today since I have a few kids here still.

Training well I didn't go to the gym and I have been doing a lot of walking but no official time of how much.

Meal s I have been good.I had some potato chips and dip, but other wise I made fruit platters and thee kids made dinner.Today breakfast is potatoes eggs and fruit.Lots of h2o and ice tea of course. Chat later!!!

Train hard ,have fun and Stay injury free.

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