My son did it in 1:41:17,my daughter did it in 1:53:59. E's time was the same as mine.
This was just before the last 10 second count down. We started in the back.
The first mile was 18 minutes.I believe due to the crowd and getting in to a grove id why that was so long. Then after that we were doing 16 minute miles walking.
It got boring.I mean it was neat that we were able to go through the Wide World Sports complex and run through there,but there wasn't any character's, no one to cheer you on,just this people dressed in white being silly.
The first water stop was busy,I didn't practice to drink h2o out of a plastic cup,so that was hard and I had got air in my stomach and later it was hurting.WE had h2o on us so I didn't drink any from the stops I just ended pouring them on me.
Then we headed back in the park.There were some people cheering us on and then we headed out to the far end of the back lot tour.When I realized where we were I started to cry,I wanted to sit down and wait for the medics.At this point I was in so much pain and my body was just shaking and I felt weak.E grab my hand and said you can't stop now. These 2 girls that were there said the same thing. We were down to the last mile and a half.Then I was worried about the kids,I was asking about them and I was just talking about anything and everything to keep motivated.Then we made it to the Fantasmic side and I knew we were close and I started to cry again.{i just wanted it to end} You can hear the people on the tower screaming the music and I kept going. Then all the sudden I see a flash.I asked E what was that? It was the photographers taking pictures and we round this conner and E started yelling look there is Your son,JB waiting on us at the conner.I can just barely remember him saying Hi Mom and you are almost done.
Then E yelled there is the finish line!!! So I started to cry again and then I caught sight of his sister and my daughter. I wanted to run and be done with it I couldn't I was to weak too. People we didn't even know cheering and yelling the only other thing I can remember is hearing the chirp from the chip on my shoe.And E yelling you did it!!!!
We had our pictures taken and I can remember everyone trying to shove h20 down me and banana's and power aide.I was so sick to my stomach I spent the rest of the time in the bathroom.We sat near rockin roller coaster. E"s sister and JB rode the tower and I was in and out of the bathroom.After I started to feel better we tried to leave and I would start to cramp up and I head out to the restroom. My calf was cramping and I had E get a wheel chair and wheel me out to the car.I was up all night running to the bathroom.I was the only one sick.E started before the race and then stopped.Well I had also stared my menstrual cycle during the race.
I have to say the race was a learning experience.I ate a couple hours earlier in the day,I had a salad chicken ceasar and some fries and ice tea.I thought that would be enough. I must admit I did not drink enough h2o before the race. I was told that I should have done more a crab load and drank some power aide and water before the race.
I know that I may not do the 1/2M.This race scared me.I didn't do any training for three weeks trying to heal my calf.That was wrong of me to do. I know now even if I do not want to train I have too. There is no room for a day off. I want to do the 5k in Jan.08 and be there for support for the WDT runner's and Kate in the 1/2M in 08.
I am resting the rest of this week and then I am going to get back on the training horse and making a training plan.And sticking to it. I have all my meals listed from the trip I will post them tomorrow.
Train hard,have fun,stay injury free!!!
Team Voice!!!
Miles for the Month:
It's great that you finished, but I think you see (and hopefully will be an example for Jonathan and the others) that in order to train for a certain distance, you need to run farther than that distance in training. For your eight mile race, you probably should have been doing 10-11 miles on your long weekend runs a few weeks prior to race day. I know you can do it, but like I've said before, it has to become a part of your day. While all the walking you do at work definitley helps burn calories, it does absolutely nothing for you aerobic conditioning and endurance. Only running can do that.
BTW, I have the toy cars for you - will try to get them mailed off this week.
I don't count the miles at work.I decided to log them,for the calories burn.
E has been working on what we are going to do for training.He has been working on refining the 4 miles we do,then in the gym one day complete cardio,then the next one weights,then out on the 4 miles and repeat.
Thank you for the advice and when we get going I sure can use some advice on building endurance,and speed.
Cool!!! Thanks again!!!
Hi Rae!
One thing a lot of people (including myself) often forget is the mental side of training.
I am not talking about the commitment. Sometimes we get into a set routine and if anything upsets that routine, even in a small way, we can get distracted and let our minds dwell on whatever it is. It could be small thing like having to stop and retie a shoelace. For the rest of that run you may keep thinking about that darn shoelace. Many things can stick in your mind and really mess with you. It still happens to me.
Mentally you had many challenges during the TOT13k. It’s too bad that you got sick and could not enjoy it the way you have envisioned.
But now that is passed I hope you can look back and take pride in the fact that you did finish! I am proud of you for seeing it through. I hope the experience does not cause you to rule out the 09’ half. You have over a year to prepare. You know the minimum pace required so that gives you a goal. Whether you walk, wog, or run you can do it. Hey, we’re all in this together right?
In 2006 I ran a 20k. I had never been in an organized run before. Like you, I struggled with being engulfed by a crowd of people at the start of the race. For the first mile my jog consisted of baby steps. I kept thinking I would get crushed if I stopped.
I recall grabbing a cup of water as being awkward also. Some locations would hold the cup out to you. Those stations were ok. Others had cups on a table which was a drag because you had to modify your pace to grab it.
You have to do the race as you trained for it. If you have a set pace you train at stick with it. Resist the temptation to let adrenaline take over and push you faster that you are ready for. An event like TOT13K can get you pumped up.
Here is a big lesson I learned in 06’. I ran the DAM to DAM 20k with my friend Larry at work. We had never trained together but we knew that we ran at a similar pace.
Mistake No #1 I chose not to bring my Ipod.
Mistake No #2 Larry and I talked a lot during the run. This exhausted me but I did not realize it until the 10th mile. That’s when I hit the wall. From that point I wogged the last 2.4 miles while Larry kept going. I managed a final sprint to the end though.
Larry and I plan on doing the 08’ DAM to DAM but this time I am not talking until we reach the finish line.
Again run each race the way you have trained for it.
I know that this race did not go the way you had planned but, as you stated it was a learning experience. Put it in perspective and more forward.
Have a great week.
congrats on finishing:)
did you meet joggerblogger?
caballerofan said Mistake No #1 I chose not to bring my Ipod.
I don't see that as a mistake. In fact, The Road Runner's Club of America (RRCA) which sponsors most major running events in the US has specific insurance requirements that forbid use of headphones during a race. You need to be aware of your surroundings! As the phatdisneygeek stated in his blog, at the end of the TOT race when the 13K runners were coming back and weaving around the 6.5K runners, I wonder how many were unaware because they were using their ipods?
Lj yes I got to meet him and the family wonderful people.
I didn't have my I pod and it did get boring, when we are out training I only wear one in my ear so I can here what is going on.lots of traffic and crazy drivers here!
Perhaps I should flip my mistakes, but having that musical lift during training is a huge personal boost for me. When I ran that 20k it would have helped a lot. Fortunately, there were a few DJ's and Bands along the route.
I have never heard of music devices being banned, but I can see how it makes sense.
I would add that music should never be loud enough to drown out your surroundings. You do have to be aware.
Is this something that is banned at Disney races?
Here is the info on the new rules:
Headphone rules
I will check out the link. I was thinking about joining a beginner's running group through them down here. My son wants to join.
thanks for posting that link.
:-) great running with you chaps - catch up soon.
UK JB crew.
Hi Rae,
Great report and pics! Please email me at as I can't find your email address.
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