Runner's World Quote Of The Day
"It is important to keep the marathon in perspective. Running does not have to be the controlling element in your life, but if you become a marathon runner it probably will be, for a while."
I am getting my award.
Marc Bloom, The Runner's Bible
What I learned from the Duathlon.
1. I need to run outside way more.
2.I need to do more sprints.
3. I need to do more bike drills.
4. need to work more on the core.
The top over all was a man who did the triathlon in 45 minutes. No lie. So I need to do some more work, no excuses.
This morning I woke up in the early am hours with a throbbing pain on the right side of my head. I have a molar that is not happy, and my face was swollen, and my ear was hurting. I went out for a walk, and tried a warm shower, nothing helped. And ya wanna know what is not nice, I can't get in the dentist till August!!!!!! SO I called out of work today for the first time in 7 months. I think. As much pain I was in I still did 1.87 miles before I just couldn't do anymore.
My ear still hurts and the swelling went down, but man....
The next race is July 4th,same place, but the one in August is back in Miami. {glup} And it is back on the Causeway bridge. SO I guess When I feel a little bit better, I need to go and start riding on that darn thing.
Oh and my daughter wants to do the fat tire Duathlon in July too. Is that cool or what?? :)
I put up the new Team Voice Member Of the Month.
I want to go to Disney!!!! :(
Love the pictures. Congrats again on the super 2nd place finish!
Sorry to hear your tooth is so sore. Aren't there any other dentists you could see before August - that's ridiculous. I used to be a dental assistant and every office I worked in set aside a number of appointments each day for emergencies - just like yours.
That's awesome that your committed to more races. I just don't know that I'll ever move on from running. A creature of habit I guess :)! That's cool that your daughter wants to participate too!
I hear ya on wanting to go to Disney - 3 months left for me :).
I am foaming at the mouth to get back to Disney. I guess I will just have to wait till January again. Thanks for sharing the pics.
My next Disney trip is in November, but that's sooooo far away. Why don't I work for an airline?
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