The space museum was a blast. And the cool part of the whole thing was E's Dad was talking to an employee who he asked where the observation tower was. And the next thing I know we are on a lower deck of the tower ,looking out with no waiting!!! No people!! So cool!!! He told us about the air crafts and how they got them in there. And that the Enterprise never flew in space but it has glided down for training. It was and still is used for training.
Then the drive home. Oh my... the traffic coming out of DC was madness and we sat in traffic for 5 hours. Holy Cats!!! They have the express for the traffic coming out of DC and then later it dumps back into the highway and what a mess!!!
It was all still fun.
Today we are going to go look at a Creator site and then it is birthday time!!!
Thank you for all the good vibes, it was a false alarm, E's sister just has to slow down a bit. {whew}
Today we did 2.34 miles. The hills are something. E was really slow today. And then we have to pack and get ready to drive home tomorrow.
I'm very glad to hear that your sister in law and baby are doing better. Tell her to rest and take care of both of them!
The pictures are awesome and it looks like you had a lot of fun.
Get home safe and sound!
Have fun in DC! I love that place almost as much as Disney! I've actually never been to the Air and Space museum over in Virgina, just the one on the Mall. I'll have to stop over when I'm there next month.
Have a safe trip!
The wife and I were just talking about D.C. the other night, and how we'd like to visit when the kids get a little older. :-) too funny
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