Just a quick update.
Team Voice has a group on Facebook. I listed the challenge on there as a event. Love the Team Voice Blog Jeff created. I like how we all are networking to help keep each other moving. A lot more organized.
I am getting ready to put in my long miles in the morning. Before it rains here. Suppose to. Work this weekend. :( I will do my best to do this challenge.
I updated my friends list and i have a neat little add on on the side click it.
ok I will post our full plans for the Princess. We are wrapping up who is running and not. My son is volunteering again.
I can hold the side plank for 45 seconds and the full plank for 50 seconds. Whew that is tough.
I can remember when I could only do 10 seconds...
gotta split..... 5a comes early.....
That's awesome that you can hold the planks that long. I'm about there to, but boy can I feel it when I'm done :)!
I'd like to be on the list for who's running the Princess Half.
Great Plankin'Rae! I've got to get more diverse in my workout and stretching routine for sure.
Can't wiat for the plans for the Princess. I'm looking forward to it.
I just realized only 3 Disney hotels are participating. I may end up needing to drive to Epcot on race morning from my hotel. :-(
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