I finished my 4th duathlon. And if anything could go wrong it did. My alarm went off at 4a. I hit the snooze button and Said I will get up at the next buzz. Well the next buzz never went off. My tv is set to come on at 5a. I jumped up when I realized what time it was. E filled my tires with air, and racked my bike while I fixed breakfast. I always have oatmeal banana, coffee and peanut butter before a race. I ate it on the way. By the time we arrive there I have about 5 minutes.to rack my bike. So I was going to ride it in and get the muscles moving. I get on and I have a flat.A FLAT!!! I was so mad. Finished walking it in and I wasted both of my co2 on it and I was so mad I was in tears. E found out that there was a tire tent and they put in a new tube and checked my rim and gave me a green light. I ws able to rack my bike with one minute to spare. I grabed my chips, got marked and headed out to the start line for the Duathlon. I hear them counting down while I am heading over there. WTH!!! I threw my arms up in the air, and an official came over told me wait till everyone passed me and go.
I love my shoes. No leg pain foot, or knee. I ran my one mile sprint in 12:01 MY fastest mile yet.
ANd I rode the ten miles in 36 minutes. At dismount I nearly fell off my bike, and my legs were so jelly feeling and I had a hard time catching mybreathe. No burning, I think I was pushing myself. The last 2.5 mile run.I did small intervals. I was feeling like crap. I hada sour stomach and the peanut butter was sitting hard in my stomach. I forgot again to do a gel at both transitions. So I did my last run in 39.5 minutes. This was my persoanl best yet. All I kept telling myself was I have to beat my last time. I did. Almost by 2 minutes. I made first place in my catagory. No one else ran in it. And the other women that normally does ran in it did the age group and placed 4th!!! Sweet.
E saw one of his friends there and we sat with him for a bit and waited for the awards. I went back to get my bike from transition and found that someone had tampered with my bike. Yep. I had another rear flat. The stem was pulled out and released. And one of the gears were bent. I sent the sponcors a e-mail to let them know someone is tampering with bikes. I have an idea who it was since they were taking up enough rack for 4 bikes. I moved the bike over and racked my bike.
So now I have to get some more co2 cans. I have a spare tube and I can change it, and I need to get new rear tire rubber. So I can have a spare.
And I had to put some of my Team Voice business on hold, Now we are striving to surive the job thing. Until futher noctice all my WDW plans are on hold. Got to get through this month.
So this was a great way to end this month. And get ready for the next. Miami has picked up some new races for this fall like The Halloween Half, with a costume contest, and some other races. Can't wait.